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I need help getting enough healthy food

Do you need help finding affordable healthy food? We can help you! Below are some resources in RI that provide free or affordable food!

I need help getting enough healthy food

1.) Rhode Island Community Food Bank: Provides food to individuals and families who need aid
(401) 942-6325,, 200 Niantic Avenue Providence, RI 02907

2.) Federal Hill Food Center: Individuals and families can access either food pantry twice a month for up to a week’s worth of food, for free, each visit. They offer fresh foods , nutrition education programs and are open Tuesday-Friday, 9am-1pm
Jennifer Hill at (401) 421-1095, 35 Swiss Street, Providence, RI

3.) Olneyville Food Center: Individuals and families can access either food pantry twice a month for up to a week’s worth of food, for free, each visit. They offer fresh foods , nutrition education programs and are open Tuesday-Friday, 9am-2pm
Jackie Reyes at (401) 714-0057,261 Manton Ave, Providence, RI

Diseñado por Brolly & Co. para Wheelhouse Health Navigation Services, LLC 2024.

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