I need help getting enough healthy food
Do you need help finding affordable healthy food? We can help you! Below are some resources in RI that provide free or affordable food!

1.) Rhode Island Community Food Bank: Provides food to individuals and families who need aid
(401) 942-6325, contactus@rifoodbank.org, 200 Niantic Avenue Providence, RI 02907
2.) Federal Hill Food Center: Individuals and families can access either food pantry twice a month for up to a week’s worth of food, for free, each visit. They offer fresh foods , nutrition education programs and are open Tuesday-Friday, 9am-1pm
Jennifer Hill at (401) 421-1095, 35 Swiss Street, Providence, RI
3.) Olneyville Food Center: Individuals and families can access either food pantry twice a month for up to a week’s worth of food, for free, each visit. They offer fresh foods , nutrition education programs and are open Tuesday-Friday, 9am-2pm
Jackie Reyes at (401) 714-0057,261 Manton Ave, Providence, RI