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I need clothing, furniture, or household items

Rhode Island has a plethora of resources if you need help finding free or affordable clothing or household items. Listed below are some of these resources, reach out to any of these organizations if you have any questions about what they offer.

I need clothing, furniture, or household items

1.) Blackstone Valley Community Action Program (BVCAP): A nonprofit agency that provides basic needs such as clothing, food, housing and emergency services, and education programs when you need them.
(401) 723-0227,32 Goff Ave. Pawtucket, RI,
2.) The Salvation Army: The salvation army offers affordable clothing, dishware, and furniture.
(800) 728-7825, 201 Pitman St, Providence, RI 02906

Diseñado por Brolly & Co. para Wheelhouse Health Navigation Services, LLC 2024.

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